Fighter, the highly anticipated aerial action film starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, has encountered an unexpected obstacle in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). While initially escaping the ban imposed on the film in other Gulf countries, Fighter has now been suspended in the UAE as well. This development comes amidst concerns surrounding the film's narrative, which revolves around India's response to the sensitive Pulwama terrorist attack.

Fighter's trailer, packed with action and patriotism, received praise for its technical brilliance and emotional resonance. However, the film's depiction of the Pulwama attack sparked criticism from some sections in Pakistan, with accusations of the film promoting an "anti-Pakistan" agenda and "exploiting a sensitive issue." This criticism, coupled with the film's controversial theme, is believed to have played a role in the Gulf censor boards' decisions.

Addressing the concerns, director Siddharth Anand urged viewers to watch the film in its entirety for context before forming an opinion based on the trailer. He emphasized that Fighter aims to raise questions about terrorism, not instigate animosity towards any nation. This sentiment was echoed by the lead cast, emphasizing the film's message of unity against terrorism.

Despite the suspension in the UAE, Fighter will continue to play across theatres in India. Whether the film will resume its run in the UAE remains unclear.

Speaking of the film, besides Hrithik and Deepika, it also stars Anil Kapoor along with Karan Singh Grover, Akshay Oberoi and Sanjeeda Shaikh. It is jointly produced by Viacom18 Studios and Marflix Pictures.

Also Read: Fighter Advance Booking Update: Hrithik Roshan-Deepika Padukone film sells 1.40 lakh tickets

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