Amid the ‘Besharam Rang’ row which created quite an uproar amongst the netizens, politics and beyond, the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has advised the makers of Shah Rukh Khan – Deepika Padukone starrer Pathaan to implement the changes in the film and songs. They are asked to submit the revised version for certification, as said by CBFC Chie Prasoon Joshi in a statement. The song was quite in headlines for Deepika’s saffron-coloured swimsuit and how it hurt religious sentiments of people.
“The film recently reached the CBFC examination committee for certification and went through the due and thorough examination process as per the board’s guidelines,” said Prasoon Joshi in an official statement to the media.
CBFC chairperson, Prasoon Joshi further said, “Pathaan went through the due and through examining process as per the CBFC guidelines. The committee has guided the makers to implement the advised changes in the film including the songs and submit the revised version prior to theatrical release.”
He further said, “CBFC is always committed to find the right balance between creative expression and sensibility of the audience and believe that we can always find solution through meaningful dialogue between all stakeholders. Whilst the process is getting duly followed and implemented I must reiterate that our culture and faith is glorious, intricate and nuanced. And we have to be careful that it does not get defined by trivia which takes the focus away from the real and the true. And like I have said earlier as well, that the trust between creators and audience is most important to protect and the creators should keep working towards it.”
Many have called for boycott of the film, effigies of SRK have been burnt, and the song has received backlash. A couple of complaints have also been filed against the makers and the movie for hurting religious sentiments.
Yash Raj Films-produced Pathaan is set to release on January 25, 2023 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.
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