The #MeToo wave which started in the West, took over India in 2018. Several women took to social media to reveal about people who harassed them in the past. The movement also brought into light the names of several Bollywood celebrities. The movement started with Bollywood actress Tanushree Dutta accusing Nana Patekar of sexual misconduct on the sets of the 2008 film Horn Ok Pleassss. Gradually, several other women started naming the likes of Vikas Bahl, Sajid Khan, Rajat Kapoor, Alok Nath, and Anu Malik for using their position to exploit women.

Sunny Leone opens up about the #MeToo movement; says more people speaking up creates awareness

Recently, in an interview Sunny Leone was asked about the change that came with the #MeToo movement. She said that she does not work in an office and lives in a bubble but does believe that more women talk about these issues of sexual harassment or (instances of people) making them feel uncomfortable at work, whether it is women or men. She said that even men are harassed and that it is not recognized because people think it is not a big deal.

She said that the more people speak up, the more they make it aware that it is not okay. The actress feels that thing swill change, especially with people getting exposed through social media and other media outlets.

Sunny was glad that a message around the importance of consent was included in web series Ragini MMS Returns Season 2. She has a cameo as a paranormal expert in the ALTBalaji series.

Also Read: Salman Khan and Sunny Leone are most searched celebrities of 2019

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